
“I don’t need a child of my own”. When I said this, many of my friends and family were kind of irritated. Most of them told me, “You never know how precious it is to be a parent.” Since my childhood, I always used to tell everyone that I would adopt a child. I still don’t know how that thought came to my mind. But now, as I am turning 30, I am not going to adopt either. My thoughts have changed. I know I can be the best mom that my child deserves, but I am also aware of my flaws. I have my own weaknesses, which I cannot control. So, there are chances that I might fail as a mom, and I don’t need that. I grew up in a family where I was always alone. I never had anyone when I needed emotional support. My mental health was my own issue. I had problems with everyone around me because I was fighting with myself. After my grandma I never had anyone to pamper me or ask how I was doing. What I had was shouts, anger, fear, and grief. I never grew up, I am still that kid who couldn’t help herself. I am that child who always searched for love in everyone she saw. I never knew what love was or how it would feel.


  1. You have beautifully engraved your thoughts and don't listen to anyone aalma just go by your heart because in the end its you and family which matters no one else
